2nd International Conference on
Women's Health and Breast Cancer
Belstay Roma Aurelia, Rome, Italy | October 16-17, 2025
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Women's Health Research and Breast Cancer


I am grateful to the organising committee for giving me the opportunity as an Academic speaker to deliver my research work on Application and clinical utility of ICF in breast cancer survivors care. The two days conference was nicely organised and well executed academic feast and research work on Women s health and Breast cancer. All the sessions presented by different research scholars and academicians around the globe were interesting, provided enriching experience and good opportunity for active interactions on these topics. Personally, I really enjoyed being part of this conference, my best wishes for your future ventures.

Dr. Sheetal Aurangabadkar

SIA College of Health Sciences, College of Physiotherapy, Dombivili, India

Keep the good work!

Fernandi Moegni

Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia